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How to Remove Different Types of Door Handles: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Removing a door handle might seem like a simple task, but the process can vary depending on the type of handle and its design. Whether you're replacing an old handle, upgrading to a new one, or just need to perform some maintenance, knowing the proper steps can save you time and frustration. This guide will walk you through how to remove lever door handles, door handles without visible screws, and front door handles, as well as explain the types of screwdrivers you might need.

How to Take a Lever Door Handle Off

Lever door handles are common in many homes due to their ease of use and modern design. Here's a step-by-step process to remove one:

Prepare Your Tools: You’ll need a flathead screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, and possibly an Allen wrench.

Locate the Screws: Most lever door handles have visible screws on one side. Use a screwdriver to remove these screws.

Remove the Handle: Once the screws are removed, gently pull the lever handle away from the door. Be careful to not drop the other side on the floor. If a part won't come out and you didn't see any screws, it might be held in place by a hidden mechanism.

Check for a Hidden Release Mechanism: Some lever handles have a small hole or slot on the side. Insert a small tool, like an Allen wrench or a paperclip, into this hole to release the handle.

By following these steps, you can safely remove a lever door handle without damaging the door or the handle itself.

lever door handle

How to Remove a Door Handle Without Screws Visible

Removing a door handle without visible screws can be tricky, but it's manageable with the right approach:

Inspect the Handle: Look for a small hole or slot on the neck of the handle or on the trim plate.

Use a Release Tool: Insert a small flathead screwdriver or an Allen wrench into the hole. You may need to press in and pull out at the same time. Now, I am doing this with one hand so it might be easier with both hands.

● Release the Handle: While pressing the tool, gently pull the handle away from the door. It should come off easily if the release mechanism is engaged.

This method is commonly used for modern handles that have a sleek design without visible screws, providing a clean look but a slightly more complex removal process.

lever door handle

How to Get a Front Door Handle Off

Front door handles are typically more robust and secure, making their removal a bit different from interior door handles:

Locate the Retaining Slot: On most front door handles, there is a small slot or hole on the underside of the doorknob shaft.

Insert a Tool: Push the tip of a narrow screwdriver or an Allen wrench into the hole.

Remove the Knob: Tug on the knob and it will slide right off. If it doesn't come off easily, double-check that you're pressing the right spot in the retaining slot.

Unscrew the Plate: After removing the knob, you’ll see screws holding the faceplate in place. Use a screwdriver to remove these screws and take off the plate.

Remove the Lock Mechanism: Finally, pull out the lock mechanism from the door. This may require some wiggling if it’s tightly fitted.

This process ensures that you can safely remove the front door handle and access the internal locking mechanism if needed.

What Kind of Screwdriver Do You Need to Remove a Door Handle?

The type of screwdriver you need can vary depending on the door handle design. Here are the most common types:

Flathead Screwdriver: This is often used for older or simpler door handles. It fits into a flat screw slot.

● Phillips Screwdriver: This screwdriver has a cross-shaped tip and is used for screws with a corresponding cross-shaped slot.

Allen Wrench (Hex Key): Some modern door handles, especially those with concealed screws, use Allen screws. An Allen wrench is necessary for these.

Torx Screwdriver: Less common but sometimes used in higher-end or specialized door handles, the Torx screwdriver has a star-shaped tip.

Having a set of these screwdrivers on hand can ensure that you're prepared for any type of door handle you encounter.

lever door handle


Removing a door handle, whether it's a lever handle, a handle without visible screws, or a front door handle, requires a bit of knowledge and the right tools. By following the steps outlined above and using the appropriate screwdriver, you can efficiently and safely remove any door handle. This not only helps in replacing or repairing handles but also in understanding the mechanics of how door handles work, adding to your DIY home maintenance skills.

lever door handle

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